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Monday, November 4, 2013

HCG Weight Loss

The HCG weight loss phenomenon has helped people burn off stored fat that causes weight problems. People who religiously adhere to the HCG diet lose 1 to 2 pounds per day, given that they follow a strict low calorie diet with the methods from which HCG is administered.

There are two ways of administering HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). First is through the traditional method, designed by Dr. Simeons, from which the original protocol of HCG injections is done in a daily basis. However, in the recent years HCG drops have been developed to steer clear of encounters with needles and the hassles of visiting the HCG clinic everyday. With the development of HCG drops, weight loss cannot get any more convenient and made simple.

However, some naysayers would provide misinformation about HCG. One existing misinformation is that HCG does not make you lose any weight. This is true when you don't adhere to the proper instructions of going about your HCG diet. To lose weight through the HCG diet, you have to keep a low calorie diet. This means that you will have to forget about your normal day to day diet and abide by the rules of the HCG program, which is first and foremost a 500 calorie diet. From this misinformation, comes the second misinformation, which claims that HCG does not help in weight loss, but it is the low calorie diet that causes it. Though in a way, it is true to lose a lot of weight if you keep a low calorie diet, it is an unfortunate fact that without HCG, your body will lose the healthy fat and muscle as well.

As for HCG weight loss, it picks and eliminates unwanted fat, while leaving your body's healthy fat and muscle in place. It also allows your metabolism to restart, making it work harder and lose weight than it did before.

Friday, November 1, 2013

30 Day Weight Loss Plan

A 30 day weight loss plan is very attractive, especially because it only takes a short time: just 4 weeks or one month! Surely, anyone who wishes to lose weight so bad can stick to a 30-day plan better than a a year-long plan. However attractive a 30 day weight loss plan could be, there is still the question of how much truth (or pain) there actually is in these programs.

Most 30 day weight loss plan claim that you can lose 20 to 30 pounds in 30 days. One of the more attractive tag lines is "losing a pound a day." While it is possible to lose weight in these programs, in reality, the weight that you will be losing is mostly water weight. It is unlikely that you will be burning body fats in a 30 day weight loss plan.

A pound of body fat actually contains 3,500 calories; so for you to be able to lose a pound of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than what you eat. The average person however, burns about 2000 calories per day. Thus, the only way to burn the stored fat is to take in fewer calories than you use or to become more physically active so that you use up more calories than you consume. If you are about 180 pounds, simple arithmetic shows that you need to burn an extra 1,500 calories a day (besides the 2,000 average). This means that if you stick with a 30 day plan, you would have to ride a bicycle 5 hours a day, every day for a whole month, while fasting.

The truth is, a 30 day weight loss plan is temporary at best, you will gain much of the weight back once you get off the program. To keep the weight off, you need to make changes to your eating habits and physical activity; changes that you can follow for the rest of your life. This largely exceeds a 30 day plan.

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How Do Weight Loss Pills Work?

Almost half of the adult population in America wants to lose weight, yet for many it remains a mystery how to actually do it. It's actually quite simple to lose weight: Eat less calories than you burn trough daily exercise. That's it! If it was that simple though, we wouldn't have so many people struggling with their weight. Fact is, most people's diet is very bad and contains way too much junk food and processed foods.

Processed foods are bad for you, because while they may calorie rich, they are almost always nutrient free. That means you will feel hungry, tired and craving real food even after a large junk food meal. Adjusting your diet is the first step to permanent weight loss. It's ok to eat 'bad' once in a while and cheat, but the majority of the diet has to be clean. Sometimes, a quick weight loss will motivate you to lose more weight. The fastest way to lose weight is to use a weight loss pill or appetite suppressant.

These pills have been hugely popular, mainly because they actually work. You do lose weight, but it's only temporary if the diet is not adjusted. The only true and tested way to staying slim permanently is to exercise and diet properly - all the time. However, a weight loss pill can be great for shedding some pounds fast. Just remember always to talk to a doctor first. The way these pills work is in two different ways.

Appetite suppressant

First of all, weight loss pills make you feel less hungry, probably a lot less hungry. You feel less hungry, you eat less, you lose weight. Losing weight in this fashion is essentially starving yourself. While starving yourself, or fasting, is not necessarily bad or dangerous short term, it certainly is long term. That's why you should always have your doctors approval before using a slimming pill.

Metabolism boost

The metabolism is the rate at which the body consumes calories. People who always stay skinny, no matter what they eat, have a high metabolism. People who get fat easily may have a slow metabolism or may just eat too much and exercise too little. In any case, boosting your metabolism will burn calories faster and thus making you lose weight.

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